When I came 13 months back to Vancouver to start the MBA program it was all fun. The energy of leaving my previous firm and joining the MBA program was thrilling. The program is so energetic and the professors wisely and the best of the lot is the friends I have made. There are so many nice people in this world. I would say rather than the MBA course I have enjoyed being with the friends whom I have made here. 13 months and still battling.....
A typical day for me now is to wake up around 7 am ( even though the alarm starts ringing at 6 am) and reach the school by 8.15am. Ipod is my mate here and has haled me through alomost all the difficult travel times. It all starts with a coffee before the class and then it starts. it is so much fun that i always end up forgetting what I did the day before. After the class it is back to sqaure one. Go to the MBA lounge and play Foosball for sometime. Oh yeah i am getting addicted ot this game as I am improving... :-) Nothing great about, but still water in a desert... Then comes my first food of the day. An oatmeal or a Nature Valley Grain Bar. Another coffee goes inside ( thanks to Tim Horton's and StarBucks). Then the teamwork or cases or assignments or if not anything bullshitting. hahahahahaha..... Then it is lunchtime as I look into my watch, coz the time is 3 pm and I have to get my lunch. All the things are always associated with a coffee. :-) Another class of boring work.. but satisfaction inside the heart of doing an MBA. Back to team work and assignments. The time is 10 and have to get back to home. The same old bus and the same old pod with me..... Reach home, cook some dinner ( almost always noodles) and get the lappie on... Time for some chatting and some individual work. Now a days the added pressure of the part time work is also taking its time. Everything boils down to the fact - "more work".
In the day i would have heard the terms Economies of Scale, peer pressure, management almost 100 times. It is said that the word which is used the most in a day is "Hello" and the it is "Coke". But I guess for an MBA student it is "IT DEPENDS".
Anyways at the end of the day (which is always 2am the following day) when everything is calmed down then its time for some online movie watching and at last hitting the bed...
It has been 13 months and I have battled.. Now only 3 more months and after that even I am an MBA student.
By the way did tell you that MBA means Master of Being Alcoholic and not Master of Business Administration. :-)
A typical day for me now is to wake up around 7 am ( even though the alarm starts ringing at 6 am) and reach the school by 8.15am. Ipod is my mate here and has haled me through alomost all the difficult travel times. It all starts with a coffee before the class and then it starts. it is so much fun that i always end up forgetting what I did the day before. After the class it is back to sqaure one. Go to the MBA lounge and play Foosball for sometime. Oh yeah i am getting addicted ot this game as I am improving... :-) Nothing great about, but still water in a desert... Then comes my first food of the day. An oatmeal or a Nature Valley Grain Bar. Another coffee goes inside ( thanks to Tim Horton's and StarBucks). Then the teamwork or cases or assignments or if not anything bullshitting. hahahahahaha..... Then it is lunchtime as I look into my watch, coz the time is 3 pm and I have to get my lunch. All the things are always associated with a coffee. :-) Another class of boring work.. but satisfaction inside the heart of doing an MBA. Back to team work and assignments. The time is 10 and have to get back to home. The same old bus and the same old pod with me..... Reach home, cook some dinner ( almost always noodles) and get the lappie on... Time for some chatting and some individual work. Now a days the added pressure of the part time work is also taking its time. Everything boils down to the fact - "more work".
In the day i would have heard the terms Economies of Scale, peer pressure, management almost 100 times. It is said that the word which is used the most in a day is "Hello" and the it is "Coke". But I guess for an MBA student it is "IT DEPENDS".
Anyways at the end of the day (which is always 2am the following day) when everything is calmed down then its time for some online movie watching and at last hitting the bed...
It has been 13 months and I have battled.. Now only 3 more months and after that even I am an MBA student.
By the way did tell you that MBA means Master of Being Alcoholic and not Master of Business Administration. :-)