When I was young, the purpose of a phone was to talk to someone and pass on messages or get some updates. Now a day’s phone is much more than that! Right from top of the line cameras to music players to whatever you can think of in a palm sized gadget. With the ever changing technological innovations, it is a must for a person to keep buying new phone to be in sync. What has this got to with recognition? Well, it started with me getting a brand new phone (Samsung Galaxy S8+) in the 1 st week of this year (2018). After so much analysis and deliberations, which my wife can attest to, I got my hands on the beauty and it was an exhilarating experience. Infinity display, telephoto feature, facial recognition, being some of the features. Underlying to the process of buying the phone was me switching cell phone service provider as well. (FIDO to TELUS). Day 1: I am showing it off to my friends/family and unlocking/understanding the various features of the phone. A feeling of ...